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Grade 3


In the Third Grade Classroom

Literacy: Literacy includes instruction in phonics, reading, and writing. Students study original texts to increase their fluency and comprehension. We start our day with a whole group mini-lesson learning specific reading strategies. Students then work independently with a book at their reading level or in a small group with their teacher. At the end, we come back together to reflect and share.

Students are learning about the writing process of brainstorming, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing.

Math: We use the TQE (Tasks Questions Evidence) framework to plan our mathematical experiences. TQE is a fluid ‘lens’ through which math instruction and learning is seen. TQE, at its core, is about:

  • Selecting Tasks that support learning goals, promote deep mathematical understanding, allow for multiple entry points, and drive student voice in the mathematical experience.

  • Using Questions that facilitate student discourse and engagement in mathematical practices. These questions also promote higher order thinking and productive struggle, such as: probing for understanding, pushing for multiple perspectives and solutions, using wait time effectively, scaffolding and adjusting questions as needed.

  • Gathering and utilizing Evidence of student learning through formative and informal assessment. 

Social Studies and Science: These subjects are integrated into our daily units of study.

Specialist: In third grade, we experience time with the arts specialist teachers on a weekly rotation.  These specialists include Dance, Music, and Science.

We enjoy incorporating the arts into all aspects of learning. 

Please contact us if you have any questions. Families are an important part of our learning community.

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3rd Grade Team

Ashley Murray

Tchr - Grade 3

Sarah Vance

Tchr - Grade 3