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Grade 2

Welcome to Second Grade

In the picture above, a class participates in a Number Talk. Our second grade classrooms participate in Number Talks regularly. Number Talks allow students a chance to explain and justify their thinking. In Number Talks, there are multiple "right" answers to open-ended questions.

In the Second Grade Classroom

In Literacy we explore phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension. Our daily whole group lessons teach a specific reading strategy. The students then put that strategy into practice in independent reading (at their reading level) or in small group instruction with the teacher. In writing, we plan, draft, share, evaluate, revise, and edit.

Our Math instruction is grounded in data through our Math Reviews and Unit Assessments. We form small groups based on the data and work to develop the math skills (standards) set by the Minnesota Department of Education. We use Number Talks to spark student interest and develop conversation around math. Our whole group lesson has a TQE (Task, Question, Evidence) focus. With a learning goal (task) in mind, teachers and students seek multiple solutions (asking questions), and explain their thinking (evidence).

We enjoy incorporating the arts, social studies, and science into our daily learning.

Families are an important part of our educational community. Let us know if you have any questions, comments, or concerns.

Link to Standards:  http://education.state.mn.us/MDE/dse/stds/

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2nd Grade Team

Maria Hughes

Tchr - Grade 2

Lisa Stenerson

Tchr - Grade 2