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Family Engagement Plan

Four Seasons A+ Elementary is committed to student growth and achievement through the collaboration of staff, parents/ guardians, students and community members. Four Seasons is a Title 1 school. Title 1 is a part of U.S. Education Law that provides extra help for students to learn at their grade level and to graduate on time. One important requirement of Title 1 is that schools have a plan for working with families, the Family Engagement Plan (FEP). Our current Family Engagement Plan is linked below.

The Four Seasons A+ Family Engagement Plan is reviewed and revised by a group of parents/guardians and school staff every spring. Contact Karen Shanahan, karen.shanahan@spps.org or 651 325-2492, if you have suggestions, comments, or questions. 

Family Engagement Plan

The Family Engagement Plan (FEP) is organized into four impact areas. We will be working together this year to build positive and goal-oriented relationships in each area. Families and staff at school developed this plan together.

Welcoming Environment

Our school has staff member(s) available for families to discuss this plan and ask questions

  • Family Liaison: Karen Shanahan

Our school communicates with families in many ways.

  1. Teachers will inform families of how whole class announcements will be shared and will share individual progress throughout the year. 
  2. Our monthly digital newsletter, Spotlight, is sent at the beginning of each month and provides families with information about our Four Seasons A+ community, including what is happening at each grade level. 
  3. Keep informed about Four Seasons A+ through our website www.spps.org/fourseasons. 
  4. Keep up-to-date with student work through Seesaw (Pre-K through 5th grade).
  5. When families call, email, or send a note, we do our best to respond in 24 hours during the school week.
  6. Four Seasons A+ uses technology and Language Line to have two-way communication with families in their home language when possible.

The achievement gap, or rather the “opportunity gap,” between students of color and white students in Saint Paul Public Schools is unacceptable. Our school is working to change practices and systems by identifying the barriers that make it harder for students of color to succeed and for their families to support their learning. For more about our work on racial equity, contact: 

  • For more about our work on racial equity, contact: Principal Ryan Fell (651) 290-7595

Transitions between schools can be challenging, and we work to help families as their children start and leave our school. For new students and families, we support the transition by:

  • Four Seasons A+ holds an Open House for prospective families in January. Before school begins in fall, we host an Open House for new and returning families. 
  • For students joining Four Seasons during the school year, families are provided a welcome packet and given a school tour. Families are also invited to the ongoing Coffee with the Principal events. 
  • We acknowledge that families entering Pre-K and Kindergarten face a big transition. We provide additional support to these families including a spring Family Welcome Event and family conferences before school starts in September. We also host Pre-K Family Days in fall and spring. During Family Days, families experience what,  and how, their child is learning and are invited to ask questions and discuss learning at home and at school.  
  • Four Seasons A+ has an Early Childhood Special Education program that provides half and full day programs. This program is an excellent entry into our DHH (Deaf/Hard of Hearing) program.

For students and families moving to the next school in their pathway, we support the transition by: 

  • Our School Counselor leads 5th grade classrooms in discussions and workshops around middle school transition including handling peer pressure, exploring expanded opportunities, and understanding middle school schedules.
  • Four Seasons A+ is an arts integration school with a pathway to further arts integration at Global Arts Plus and Creative Arts High School. The transition is supported by collaborative events in the arts community and visits between schools.  

Family Partnerships

Our school-parent compact establishes the shared responsibility for student success between the school, families, and students. Families and teachers work together to develop the compact.

Copies of the compact are available: The compact will be updated:
  • During fall Academic Parent Teacher Teams (APTT), in our main office, and posted on our website (www.spps.org/fourseasons) 
  • As part of our May Coffee with the Principal and Celebrate Four Seasons A+ events.

There are many opportunities for families to build connections to the school and to each other.

  • Title I Annual Meeting where we will share information about school programs where we will share information about how Title I supports a Four Seasons A+ education, September 23, 2024, 5:00-6:00 pm. 
  • Events throughout the year (Open House, We Are Four Seasons A+, ongoing Coffee with the Principal, National African American Parent Involvement Day, three Academic Parent Teacher Teams Conferences, and Celebrate Four Seasons A+) will allow families to recognize progress, share concerns, raise questions, and plan together for the success of our students. The monthly digital newsletter, Spotlight, and website (www.spps.org/fourseasons) will post the dates/times of events and texts will alert families. 
  • Opportunities to celebrate arts integration through student work occur throughout the year.
  • National African American Parent Involvement Day (NAAPID) will be on February 10, 2025.
  • Home Visits – Four Season A+ teachers participate in Parent Teacher Home Visits. Staff who participate in the Home Visit program are trained by both educators and parents about how to respectfully and authentically engage with families. A key aspect of this training is ensuring that families and educators are meeting each other as equal partners in their student’s education. 

We work to make these meetings and events available for every family in the school.

  • Four Seasons A+ have staff who can interpret in Pashto, Spanish, and ASL.
  • Staff are encouraged to use the Language Line to connect with families.
  • Efforts are made to provide Interpreters in all home languages for conferences and APTT.
  • Spanish and Pashto Interpreters are available for Fall Open House and Coffee with the Principal.
  • Translations are available upon request.
  • Understanding our families have varied schedules, Four Seasons A+ holds meetings at a variety of times.
  • Four Seasons A+ holds both virtual and in-person events.
  • Transportation is available upon request to events and school meetings.
  • Four Seasons A+ embraces diversity. Our MLL staff collaborate with classroom teachers, our building interpreters, and the Language Line to reach families whose first language is not English.

Our school supports families as advocates and provides opportunities for parent leadership

  • If parents have concerns about their child’s learning, the process at Four Seasons A+ Elementary School is to start discussion with the classroom teacher (involving MLL staff or Special Education staff as needed). Then to approach the Principal. If the concern has been referred to the Principal and a resolution has not been gained, next involve the district Ombudsperson.
  • The district has an Ombudsperson available to help resolve conflict between families and schools. The Ombudsperson is a person who listens to and investigates complaints against Saint Paul Public Schools, its programs, offices and staff. The Ombudsperson does not take sides. She works with parents, community members and the school district to clarify and resolve questions, concerns and complaints in a fair and timely manner. The services of the Ombudsperson are free. Our Ombudsperson is Desiree’ Payne, at (651) 767-8394 or desiree.payne@spps.org.
  • Four Seasons A+ staff engage in professional development around family engagement during Opening Week. A Family Engagement Committee meets monthly throughout the year to continually improve our family engagement practices.
  • In spring, families will be invited to a Celebrate Four Seasons A+ event where the Family Engagement Plan, SCIP, and Compacts will be reviewed and revised.

Teaching and Learning

Our school shares information about state standards, assessment and student achievement with families in multiple ways

  • Report cards and progress reports will be distributed during spring (March) conferences and will be sent home with students in November. 
  • Parent-Teacher conferences are held March 26, 28, 29 We offer in-person, virtual, and phone conferences. 
  • APTT (Academic Parent Teacher Teams) – Four Seasons uses an alternative conference model, APTT. During APTT, families look at standards, review progress, engage in activities to support progress, and plan goals. These groups meet in fall, winter and spring. 
  • Four Seasons A+ Elementary provides  information on students’ reading in K-3, if not at grade level through fall/winter/spring Progress Reports, APTT conferences during the year and to families with children receiving interventions through the Student Assistance Team (SAT).   
  • Classrooms post curriculum information monthly in The Spotlight. Teachers reach out to families regularly regarding student progress in multiple areas. 
  • SIPPS (Systematic Instruction in Phonological Awareness, Phonics, and Sight Words) reading specialists will work with grades 3-5 to provide additional small group support in literacy. 
  • Four Seasons A+ Elementary supports families to build reading skills at home in grades K-3 through literacy activities taught to families during fall, winter and spring Academic Parent Teacher Teams conferences. These activities are differentiated to meet the needs of the student. Additionally, literacy activities are shared in the Spotlight (monthly digital newsletter) and during regular Coffee with the Principal events. 

Our school will engage in personalized learning as a key strategy to accelerate student achievement. Parents can get more information using many tools.

  • Parent log-in information can be accessed at spps.org/onestop or by asking the school clerk
  • Saint Paul Public Schools is a one-to-one district supplying each student with an iPad to help differentiate instruction within the classroom.
  • Seesaw (PreK-5) is used to inform parents of student progress and share student work.

Many before- and after-school enrichment and support opportunities are available for students

  • Four Seasons A+ connects families to opportunities in the community through: St. Paul Parks & Recreation, Community Education, Boys & Girls Clubs and other organizations through our website, monthly Spotlight, and PeachJar. 

Community Partnerships

Our school develops community partnerships to provide additional support for students and their families

  • AMAZEworks - supports school Positive Behavior and Intervention Supports (PBIS)
  • Bell Museum - exploration of science through art 
  • Big Brother Big Sisters - partnerships supporting individual students in grades 3-5
  • Children’s Dental Services - provides dental exams at school for students
  • International Institute of Minnesota - supporting immigrant families
  • Lutheran Social Services - supporting families for improved attendance and academic success
  • Macalester College - Bonner Scholars work in partnership with classroom teachers
  • Merriam Park Recreation Center - Rec Check afterschool program
  • Merriam Park Library - ongoing work with 4-5 classrooms
  • Minnesota Orchestra - arts exploration
  • Ordway - arts exploration
  • Phillips Eye Institute - provides screenings and glasses for students
  • Playworks - supports school Positive Behavior and Intervention Supports (PBIS)
  • Science Museum of Minnesota - science enrichment
  • University of St. Thomas - volunteers enriching classroom activities
  • Walker Arts Center - arts exploration
  • 3M - material support for students and classrooms

This plan is available as part of our school’s SCIP, or School Comprehensive Improvement Plan. Printed copies are available in the office.